I’m glad you asked! While the first conjures up images of hearts and flowers, the latter invokes, well, a mess. According to Psychology Today, there are seven types of love. For the purposes of this blog, however, we are focusing on “agape.” Agape is said to encompass the modern concept of altruism, defined as unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Recent studies link altruism with a number of benefits. It leaves us with a euphoric feeling—the so-called ‘helper’s high’ which leads to better mental and physical health, as well as longevity.
So here we are, in the week dedicated to expressing love for those around us. What better opportunity do we have to offer (or receive) a helping—or perhaps, a slightly forced hand–to those who need a little decluttering assistance?
Let’s say you have a couple of kids with messy rooms. While handmade cards are lovely, maybe you could use this occasion to suggest a “fun decluttering time” together? Here’s how it works:
Option #2
What if the clutter culprit is your spouse? The technique may need a little tweaking but the principle remains the same.
Finally, what if the messiest member of your household is yourself? You see the areas in need of organization but you keep procrastinating. Maybe you would benefit from some company? I recommend asking for the following:
Wishing you all much love in all its types this Valentine’s Day,
The Organizing Professionals®