Five Tips to Lighten the Load (and Stress) of Your Move

The Organizing Professionals

Moving? You’re not alone. June-September are peak moving months. You may have heard that moving ranks high on the stress scale so what can you do to reduce the angst of your upcoming transition?

1. Pace yourself. Most of us don’t allocate enough time nor strategically prepare. Plan to spend a day or part of a day decluttering then packing each room. Start packing at least one month before your move date.

2. Declutter first before packing. This is essential to reducing the stress. Go through each room. Donate or throw out anything you or your family members no longer love, need, or use.

3. Avoid the temptation to take everything you own. Less really is more. The more minimalistic you become, the less time you will spend unpacking, sorting, and staying organized.

4. Aim to be essentially finished two days before the move. The last minute belongings take far more time to pack than you think.

5. Pack the kitchen last and unpack it first. Give yourself anywhere from 4-10 hours to pack your kitchen items. It takes longer than any other room in the house.

* Bonus tip. Hire us! We love helping our clients through the whole moving process! Best of luck! – Janet